About/Sobre mí

Welcome to our world.

Blog sin publicidad y sin ánimo de lucro. Soñadores que queremos cambiar el mundo, con ilusión y sin pelos en la lengua. Te animas?

My name is Rosa. Law graduate & Master in Human Rights, Democracy and Globalisation. Master in Sports Coaching, Management and High Performance Psychology. Citizen of the world. Spain my home country, India where I found myself, lucky to have travelled around the world and to have lived in The Netherlands, Perú, Austria and The UK. Now based in Italy planning my next adventure.

One of my favourite quotes: «Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.» – Albert Einstein.

I invite you to join me and share your thoughts as well; hopefully all together we’ll be able to change this crazy world where we are living.

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